Dicas 1 de Abril de 2018

Confira neste post um glossário com os termos utilizados em nosso vídeo de Páscoa.

Confira neste post um glossário com os termos utilizados em nosso vídeo de Páscoa.

Páscoa significa passagem e aprender inglês com a gente é assim: uma passagem para um mundo novo cheio de oportunidades novas!



Por isso, nós fizemos este glossário. Para te ajudar a compreender os termos utilizados em nosso vídeo. Dá só uma olhada.


Full moon - the phase of the moon in which its whole disk is illuminated.

Fall / Autumn - the season between summer and winter.

Holiday - a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person.

Good Friday - the Friday before Easter, a holy day of the Christian church, observed as the anniversary of the Crucifixion of Jesus.

Easter Bunny - an imaginary rabbit said to bring gifts to children at Easter.

Share love - To share means to give a part of something. To divide and distribute in shares. And love is a feeling. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. So, sharing love can be broken down into giving a part of that feeling. Sharing love can mean spending your time listening to someone or doing something for them. It can also mean praying for someone. It can be done by appreciating someone. It can be making someone laugh. Apart from literally sharing material things, sharing love expands to the things that are non-materialistic!

Happy Easter – Expression used to wish someone a happy Easter day.

Source: http://www.dictionary.com/


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